An Introduction to Ayurveda
BALANCE OF BODY AND MINDAyurveda is a science of life based on the Vedas, the Hindu books of knowledge and...
CORE PRINCIPLES OF AYURVEDAAyurveda is the ancient Indian system of natural and holistic medicine. In Sanskrit,...
HISTORY OF AYURVEDAAyurveda is a holistic system of medical science that integrates the mind, body and...
Read More Posts From This CategoryBenefits And Effects of Ayurveda
AYURVEDIC DIETAyurveda has its roots in India, dating back to about five thousand years. Essentially,...
BENEFITS OF AYURVEDAAyurveda is a holistic system of medical science and is the oldest healing science...
EFFECTS OF AYURVEDAAyurveda is based on the understanding that the universe is made up of five elements:...
Read More Posts From This CategoryTips for Ayurveda
NATURAL HACKS TO STOP COUGHING DURING NIGHTNight time coughing is common to all the age group people. Coughing causes an annoying sensation in the throat which starts with a tickle and then escalates to a hacking cough just as you are trying to fall asleep or it wakes you up in the middle of the night. But in a way coughing is good for health as it removes germs from the lungs and prevents infection. REASON... [Read more of this article]
Health Risks of Smoking And Effect of Passive Smoking!Does inhaling affect the risk of cancer? Yes. Wherever smoke touches living cells, it does harm. Even smokers who don’t inhale are breathing in large amounts of smoke that comes from their mouths and the lit end of the cigarette, cigar, or pipe. They are at risk for lung cancer and other diseases caused by secondhand smoke. Smoking Causes Cancer: Smoking... [Read more of this article]
HOW TO STRAIGHTEN TEETH AT HOME EASILY WITHOUT BRACESA beautiful smile and straight teeth are the dream of many people. Being blessed with naturally straight teeth is something that not everyone can boast of. Some people are naturally lucky to grow up with straight teeth, but many of us are less fortunate. While smile is the best accessory that... [Read more of this article]
EFFECTIVE WAYS TO CLEAN CLOGGED PORESA pore is a duct in the skin that is attached to the sebaceous glands that produce sebum. Pores on face can get clogged with oil, dry skin cells and everyday dirt and debris that you encounter when you are out. Oily skin types are more prone to blockages in their pores. Clogged pores left untreated can lead to blackheads, acne, whiteheads and papules. HOW... [Read more of this article]
Natural Treatment For Supporting The Immune System Against HEPATITIS B VirusHepatitis B is an infectious disease caused by the hepatitis B virus that affects the liver. The term Hepatitis simply means inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis B can cause both acute and chronic infections. The virus is transmitted by exposure to infectious blood or body fluids. Natural Treatment For Supporting The Immune System Against HEPATITIS... [Read more of this article]
Is Hepatatis B Curable or Not?Hepatitis B is an infectious disease caused by the hepatitis B virus that affects the liver. The term Hepatitis simply means inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis B can cause both acute and chronic infections. The virus is transmitted by exposure to infectious blood or body fluids. Infection around the time of birth or from contact with other people’s... [Read more of this article]
MOST EFFECTIVE NATURAL REMEDIES TO GET RID OF HEAD LICEHead lice are very common problem with preschool and school children. Head lice are tiny parasites which survive in our hair and feed on the blood which they get from the human scalp. Girls contract head lice more often than boys and women contract more head lice than men. Lice doesn’t have wings so they cannot jump from one head to another but head... [Read more of this article]
Quick and Easy Natural Remedy to Stop WheezingWheezing is a very common respiratory problem. The respiratory tube or the breathing airway is blocked and narrowed down due to mucus or some other foreign object. Wheezing is generally a symptom of coughs, chest infections and asthma. It is a whistling sound made by the obstructed and tight airway openings in your lungs struggling to let oxygen pass... [Read more of this article]
Precautions and Home Remedies to Treat MigraineMIGRAINE: Migraine is a primary headache of varying intensity, often accompanied by sensory warning signs such as nausea, blind spots, tingling in the arms and legs, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound. The pain that migraine brings can last for hours sometimes even for days. Migraine is an inherited tendency to have headaches with sensory disturbance.... [Read more of this article]
Treatment and Symptoms of MigraineMIGRAINE: Migraine is a primary headache of varying intensity, often accompanied by sensory warning signs such as nausea, blind spots, tingling in the arms and legs, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound. The pain that migraine brings can last for hours sometimes even for days. Migraine is an inherited tendency to have headaches with sensory disturbance.... [Read more of this article]
How to Remove Earwax Naturally at HomeMETHODS TO REMOVE EARWAX NATURALLY AT HOME: Earwax is also known as cerumen, a wax like substance produced by sweat glands. Earwax is a yellowish waxy substance secreted in the ear canal of humans and other mammals. Earwax is made up of different substances that help stop the skin that lines your ear canal... [Read more of this article]
Foods that Increase Your EyeSightFOODS THAT INCREASE YOUR EYESIGHT!!!! Your vision quality is determined by several different factors, but you may not be aware that your overall health and diet can either help or hurt your eyesight. Tired of wearing glasses and contact lenses? Well most of the people who are cursed with weak eyesight experience the same frustration. Well, certain... [Read more of this article]
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