Natural Treatment For Supporting The Immune System Against HEPATITIS B Virus

January 23, 2018 by  
Filed under Tips for Ayurveda

Hepatitis B is an infectious disease caused by the hepatitis B virus that affects the liver. The term Hepatitis simply means inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis B can cause both acute and chronic infections. The virus is transmitted by exposure to infectious blood or body fluids.

Natural Treatment For Supporting The Immune System Against HEPATITIS B Virus

  1. Water: The irreplaceable remedy for curing Hepatitis B is water. A hydrated system is essential if you want to cure Hepatitis b completely. Note that water cannot be substituted with other beverages or drinks cause these drinks can only quench your thirst but without bringing about proper hydration.
  2. Garlic: Consumption of raw garlic can help kill the hepatitis B virus. Garlic contains amino acids and metabolites. Intake of garlic on a regular basis can protect the liver from illness. It’s better to consume food which contains garlic.
  3. Green Tea: Green tea is another important natural remedy. A patient with hepatitis B must drink large quantities of green tea. Green tea is a rich source of antioxidants. These antioxidants in a way work to enable the proper functioning of liver through balanced secretion of juices.
  4. Olive leaf: Olive leaf is one of the best herbal remedy and a natural cure. The extract from olive leaf can fight not only against hepatitis B but also from many other forms of viruses that disrupt the normal working of human body. The antioxidant released in the blood upon olive leaf extract consumption act as antiseptic to kill the virus.
  5. Black seed oil: The consumption of this black seed oil aids digestion and increases the metabolism rate. This oil spreads warmth in the blood to help improve liver functioning and strength.


  1. Avoid drugs.
  2. Avoid alcohol.
  3. Avoid saturated fats found in butter and other dairy products.
  4. Avoid strenuous exercise.
  5. Avoid tap water.
  6. Avoid fruit juices, artificial sweeteners and processed foods.
  7. Reduce workload.

There is no permanent cure for Hepatitis B. But the above mentioned are the natural ways to support the immune system and reduce the risk of developing chronic infection.

Hepatitis B Vaccination

The hepatitis B vaccine is the best way to prevent infection. Vaccination is highly recommended. It takes three vaccines to complete the series. The following groups should receive the hepatitis B vaccine:

  • all infants, at the time of birth
  • any children and adolescents who weren’t vaccinated at birth
  • adults being treated for a sexually transmitted infection
  • people living in institutional settings
  • people whose work brings them into contact with blood
  • HIV-positive individuals
  • men who have sex with men
  • people with multiple sexual partners
  • injection drug users
  • family members of those with hepatitis B
  • individuals with chronic diseases
  • people traveling to areas with high rates of hepatitis B

In other words, just about everyone should receive the hepatitis B vaccine. It’s a relatively inexpensive and very safe vaccine.



Is Hepatatis B Curable or Not?

January 23, 2018 by  
Filed under Tips for Ayurveda

Hepatitis B is an infectious disease caused by the hepatitis B virus that affects the liver. The term Hepatitis simply means inflammation of the liver. Hepatitis B can cause both acute and chronic infections. The virus is transmitted by exposure to infectious blood or body fluids. Infection around the time of birth or from contact with other people’s blood during childhood is the most frequent method by which Hepatitis B is acquired. The common belief is that Hepatitis B is spread through food, water or casual contact. But this is not true. Hepatitis B virus cannot be spread by holding hands, sharing eating utensils, hugging, coughing, sneezing or breastfeeding.


  • Sexual intercourse
  • Sharing tooth brush and razors
  • Intravenous drug
  • Infected needles and syringes
  • Blood transfusions
  • Dialysis
  • Tattooing
  • Acupuncture
  • Body piercing


  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Dark urine
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Stomach trouble
  • Jaundice
  • Joint pain
  • Pain in the upper right abdomen

There is no permanent cure for Hepatitis B. But there are some  natural ways to support the immune system and reduce the risk of developing chronic infection.

Please  refer the below link for natural methods:

Natural Treatment For Supporting The Immune System Against HEPATITIS B Virus



January 9, 2018 by  
Filed under Tips for Ayurveda

Head lice are very common problem with preschool and school children. Head lice are tiny parasites which survive in our hair and feed on the blood which they get from the human scalp. Girls contract head lice more often than boys and women contract more head lice than men. Lice doesn’t have wings so they cannot jump from one head to another but head to head contact while playing, sleeping can lead to the transfer of lice from one head to another. Head lice can also be contracted from one person to another by usage of their hats, scarves, coats or hair ribbons.

Although head lice does not harm the human beings but if untreated for a very long time can lead to itchiness, soreness on the head and embarrassment.


1.Tickling feeling of something moving in the hair.


3.Itching on the neck, ear and ears

4.Sores and scabs on the head caused by scratching


Personal hygiene has nothing to do with head lice. Anyone can become infected with head lice. Lice are very contagious. It can spread from one person in the family to almost all the people living in a family, this can happen by sharing the same pillow, comb or towel. If you do no take immediate measures to curb head lice it reproduces very quickly and their numbers manifold in no time.



Coconut oil is mild and lubricating so using this on your hair will get the lice slip off your head while combing. Wash your hair with apple cider vinegar. After drying massage your hair with coconut oil let it stay overnight and in the morning wash it off as usual. Repeat the same for seven days for effective results.


Salt is another great home remedy to kill head lice. Mix salt and vinegar and apply this mixture all over your hair and wash it off after an hour. It is sure to kill the lice just after one wash.  Use this remedy twice a week to see better results.


Garlics strong smell can suffocate lice. The best way to use this remedy is grind 8 garlic cloves and mix them well with 2-3 teaspoon of lime juice. Apply the mixture to the scalp and after half an hour thoroughly rinse it with warm water. As there is a chance of garlic smell to prevail on the hair, shampoo your hair to get rid of the smell.


Neem oil is a natural insecticide. Neem oil is one of the best natural remedy to get rid of head lice. Prepare your own natural neem shampoo by adding several teaspoons of neem oil to your shampoo and use it regularly to see effective results.


Almond oil is available at every home and it is the most effective remedy as it suffocates lice, slowing them down to make them easier to remove with a comb. Apply almond oil all over your hair and separate your hair into smaller sections also make sure that your comb is frequently rinsed in hot water. After combing your hair shampoo and rinse twice, Use this remedy every day for almost a week. Thoroughly clean the comb and towel used to wipe your hair.

Another important tip to prevent head lice is wash brush and combs daily in hot water to dislodge lice. Also change towels, sheets and pillowcases daily. Also take better care to see that sealed items that are non-washable and touched the head should be kept in plastic bags. Once diagnosed with head lice it is better to treat effectively. Always consult a health care professional if one needs advice.