Have you or your family member just recovered from Covid-19 treatment? You are
experiencing Post Covid symptoms presently and you are in a confused state of mind. Let us
understand the common symptoms and the adverse effects it can have in an individual if
left unattended. Also how you will get rejuvenated by making Ayurveda an integral part of
your life.
What are the Post Covid-19 symptoms?
After receiving negative test results for Covid-19, the common symptoms that are observed
in the individual are:
- Fatigue or dullness
- Difficulty in breathing, Chest inflammation or pain
- Sleep abnormalities
- Joint pains, Muscle cramps
- Feverish feeling, loss of appetite
- Depression due to stress, Phobia i.e. fear
- Inability to concentrate, forgetfulness
Not necessary that an individual who has just recovered have all the above issues, normally
a combination of these symptoms are noticed. It all depends on the immunity one possess
and the health wellbeing that you had earlier.
The individual faces worry and stress regarding work continuity, leading a normal life, etc.
which are the major factors that leads to this uncomfortable situation.
How can Ayurveda help in Post Covid Care at home?
Your body has gone through a difficult time, you need to ensure a systematic come back to
normal life. The body becomes weak and you feel drained and lethargic. This is the right
time to initiate Ayurvedic remedies and provide healing to your body.
Adapt the points mentioned below as a daily routine:
- Drink adequate water to keep your body hydrated throughout the day. Preferably
lukewarm water as it also gives relief to your throat. - Include lemon juice or mint water in your daily intake.
- Do not jump into your packed work schedule. Start in a graded manner to ensure
you are not over exerting yourself. - Remember to continue your breathing exercises to keep your lungs in good shape.
- Practice yoga or pranayama, meditation to feel lively with fresh thoughts. Brisk
walking for 10 minutes is highly recommended. - Focus on your diet. The most important element that will enable recovery at the
earliest. Preferably freshly cooked, hot food such that the digestion process is not
affected. - Take adequate rest and sleep for at least 8 to 9 hours a day.
- Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption. Your system is not ready to exert right
now. - Monitor your Sugar levels (if diabetic), Blood pressure, body temperature, pulse
oximetry at home. Double check readings. In case of major deviations, consult the
Medical Practitioner. - Start your regular course of medicines for diabetic and heart ailments, as you had
prior to the Covid-19. - If you feel any of the condition is aggravating eg: dry cough / sore throat, do saline
gargling and also take steam inhalation. - Introduce immunity recover diet schedule eg: chick pea/moong gram/ vegetable
soup, a cup of curd, decoction of spices (pepper, cumin, cinnamon) and herbs(basil
leaves) which are a must to regain your health. Your kitchen is a 24/7 pharmacy.
Make the best use of the ingredients available at your home. Have food at regular
intervals. - Reading interesting genres and playing memory games, suduko, crossword, and
jigsaw puzzles. These games ensures you are occupied and your mind is active,
focused. - Avoid eating out and intake of ordered food too mainly due to the oil content and
external cooking.
Your aim is to ensure daily and seasonal routines to be able to combat health issues. The daily routines will rejuvenate you and you will bounce back to normal life.
When can I start exercises after a Covid Viral infection?
Do not delay exercises. Start on a regime. You may feel exhausted initially but then slowly
ramp up the time and maintain the routine.
Depending on your age and health status follow meditation and Pranayama to improve your breathing and vital organs like lung and heart.
Covid can have long term consequences for your health. Post Covid care is essential and
should never be ignored or compromised for other priorities. Your health is in your own
hands. This care is a great investment for your family and future health!
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