Pimples are considered to be a common problem amongst youngsters, teenagers and even in adults. Although several cosmetic chemical based formulations claim to be effective in treating pimples and acne, resorting to ayurvedic treatment for pimples is the safest. Considering that your skin is already suffering from skin disorders, you might not want to aggravate the problem with the usage of unsafe chemicals.
Ayurveda treats the entire body and any of its problems using natural remedies. Its holistic approach may make its skin remedies easy and natural alternatives to over-the-counter creams and ointments. Let’s look at some of the ways to use these remedies to get rid of pimples.
These simple home remedies for pimples and acne can work wonders on the skin providing you with a fresh and beautiful skin.
- Rub an ice cube over the affected area for some time. Reduces pimples and also gives a glowy skin. Smoothens skin. Cheapest method and effortless.
- Lime juice improves the texture of skin and lightens the marks.
Note: Lemon juice should not be applied with hands. You should soak cotton balls in lemon juice and apply on the affected area.
- Cucumber juice lessens the pimple marks. They also calms the itching feeling on the skin. Leave the juice on the affected areas for 30 mins such that it will soak as much juice as possible.
- Raw tomato pulp can be used directly rubbed on the pimples . It lessens the marks too. Leave this for an hour. After that wash with warm water and wipe with a soft towel.
- Apply a paste made from one teaspoon of cumin seeds. Remove after one hour
- Crushed basil leaves are effective measure. Apply on affected part and leave it for 30 mins. Wash and dry with soft towel.
- Application of cucumber juice mixed with juices of carrot or lettuce is an excellent home remedy for pimples.
- Apply paste made by mixing together a half teaspoon of ground cinnamon with one tablespoon of honey.. Apply the paste to the areas that need it before you go to bed and then rinse off the dried paste in the mornings. Honey has antibacterial properties and may also speed up healing.
- Mix together one teaspoon of turmeric with mint juice. You should only use enough mint juice to form a paste with a creamy consistency. Apply the paste on the affected areas and leave it on for 30 minutes. Gently clean off the paste using cool water. Turmeric has been used as part of Indian home remedies for acne for some time, and its antiseptic properties may also help to dry out pimples.
All with little patience and effort you can acquire a skin you have hoped for.You deserve the best and to get the best of it you need to strive for it. By donating a little time for yourself you can become beautiful and confident to face the world. Numerous strategies and ayurvedic tips can be followed to get results without investing too much money.
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