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Yes, Hernia can be cured  with Ayurvedic medicine. You need to follow the instructions of the Vaidyar mainly on dietary restrictions and exercises to be followed to prevent recurrence. Let us understand about hernia…

What is hernia?

hernia curable by ayurvedic medicineThe term hernia means displacement of the internal organ or protrusion or herniation of the viscera. The internal part of stomach pops outward, forming an abnormal swelling. When our stomach muscles get weak, some portions of the intestine swell up by pushing the weak stomach muscle.

A hernia may develop in almost any part of the body; however, hernia is most commonly affected in the muscles of the abdominal wall. Hernia affects both genders.

Few individuals observe the protrusion at a young age and will live with it for years. But for few people the hernia is very painful and reduce general mobility. At times the complications increase thereby going in for surgery. Hernias also is hereditary, and can be caused by such things as coughing, straining during elimination, lifting heavy objects, accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, and obesity.

Symptoms of Hernia

Symptoms of hernias vary, depending on the cause and the structures involved. Most begin as small, hardly noticeable breakthroughs. At first, they may be soft lumps under the skin, a little larger than a marble; there usually is no pain. Gradually, the pressure of the internal contents against the weak wall increases, and the size of the lump increases.

In the beginning stages , the hernia may be reducible – the protruding structures can be pushed back gently into their normal places. If those structures, however, cannot be returned to their normal locations through manipulation, the hernia is said to be irreducible, or incarcerated (confined).

Types of hernia:

is hernia curable with ayurvedic medicinesAbdominal wall hernia: Also known as an epigastric or ventral hernia. Common type of hernia among those confirmed.

Indirect inguinal hernia: Affects men only. A loop of intestine passes down the canal from where a testis descends early in childhood into the scrotum. If neglected, this type of hernia tends to increase progressively in size (a “sliding hernia”) causing the scrotum to expand grossly.

Direct inguinal hernia: The intestinal loop forms a swelling in the inner part of the fold of the groin.

Femoral hernia: Mostly observed in women. An intestinal loop passes down the canal containing the major blood vessels to and from the leg, between the abdomen and the thigh, causing a bulge in the groin and another at the top of the inner thigh.

Umbilical Hernia: An intestinal loop protrudes through a weakness in the abdominal wall at the navel (but remains beneath the skin).

Hiatal hernia: A loop of the stomach when particularly full protrudes upward through the small opening in the diaphragm through which the esophagus passes, thus leaving the abdominal cavity and entering the chest.

Incisional hernia: Hernia that occurs at the site of a surgical incision. Occurs mainly due to strain on the healing tissues due to excessive muscular effort, lifting, coughing, or extreme pressure.

Ayurvedic diet recommended:

  • Do not eat too much. Reduce the quantity taken at each meal.
  • Eat slowly. Taking frequent small meals instead of three large meals are advised.
  • Increase your intake of liquids, but avoid fizzy drinks.
  • Taking water with meals, except half an hour before or one hour after a meal is recommended. This helps digestive system to function properly and reduce occurrence of heartburn. It also increases the overall weight in the stomach and slows down the digestive process by diluting the digestive juices.
  • Do not eat raw food and avoid over-processed food items like white bread and sugar, cakes and biscuits, rice puddings and overcooked vegetables
  • Drinking raw juices extracted from fresh fruits and vegetables, half an hour before each meal, is considered helpful.
  • Consume diets consisting of seeds, nuts, whole cereal grains, vegetables and fruits, etc
  • Prioritize on having fresh ,  lightly cooked vegetables and sprouted seeds.
  • Carrot  juice is considered especially beneficial, as it is rich in vitamin A and calcium and has a restorative effect
  • Do not sleep immediately after a heavy meal.
  • Take a walk after meals. At least walking 100 steps is advised.


Can a person confirmed with hernia perform exercises?

Yes , a person confirmed for the presence of hernia can perform exercises. Most intense exercises which jerk or put pressure on the muscles are not favorable for hernia. Yoga is the ideal hernia exercise system as it is gentle and gradually stretches the muscles.

Hernia exercises done with acute awareness in harmony with breath and hand support for the affected muscle strengthens the area with improved blood circulation and oxygenation. Yoga provides natural long term relief for hernia by preventing recurrence.

Treatment of Hernia

For small, non-strangulated and non-incarcerated hernias, various supports and trusses may offer temporary, symptomatic relief. However, the best treatment is herniorrhaphy (surgical closure or repair of the muscle wall through which the hernia protrudes).

When the weakened area is very large, some strong synthetic material may be sewn over the defect to reinforce the weak area. Post-operative care involves protecting the patient from respiratory infections that might cause coughing or sneezing, which would strain the suture line. Recovery is usually quick and complete.

Note: In case person undergoes surgery then he should not lift weights, perform heavy tasks, avoid climbing heights, if possible stairs too for a few weeks.

There is a traditional Indian deep-massage techniques on Marma points on the neck to tone up the muscles and relieve the pressure on the hernia area. Based on the symptoms you need to visit the medical practitioner and decide about the remedial actions.


  1. SURJEET SURJEET June 16, 2015

    I am having Right side Inguinal Hernia problem.Please suggest where I can get Best Ayurvedic treatment in Kochi.

    Thanks & Regards.


  2. Vikas Vikas May 18, 2015

    Even i had hernia about six months back. I found a medicine called hernica by grocare india. that is also herbal. my hernia got cured with it. im giving it to my friend also who has hernia since a month. he is also feeling much better. try it out.

  3. admin admin Post author | March 12, 2015

    Hi Pavan
    Request you to kindly consult a medical practitioner / ayurveda vaidyar and get your health examined.
    They will suggest based on the size of hernia.
    Wishing you the best of health.

  4. pavan pavan January 27, 2015

    hi ,i am pavan ,and i am 22 years old . i need some advise about Harnia ,i have it , so plz suggest how can i treatment . without operation

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