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Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Unwanted Hair


Unwanted hair on the visible areas of the body like hands, feet, face and back are one of the cosmetic problems faced by many women. Unwanted facial and body hair may not be detrimental to your health, but it can damage self- confidence. Unwanted hair growth both facial and body hair can cause embarrassment and it’s a biggest problem for women. This is called HIRSUTISM or FRAZONISM which is the excessive hairiness on women in those parts of the body where terminal hair does not normally occur or is minimal- for example, a beard or chest hair.

REASON FOR GROWTH OF HAIR: Unwanted hair growth occurs due to imbalance of hormones in the body, irregular menstrual cycle, and use of medications or due to pregnancy.


There are so many ways to get rid of body hair- from shaving to waxing to laser hair removal. Many people are looking for a permanent hair removal method, one that will eliminate body hair once and for all. They try everything from waxing to electrolysis to laser hair removal, all in an effort to stop those pesky hairs from growing back. Is there any natural ways to prevent hair from re growing? While you may not be able to “permanently” get rid of body hair the methods suggested below will be highly effective to help you in your weekly or monthly struggle to keep your body hair under control. We can treat this naturally without lasers, no harsh hair removal creams and definitely no risk of razor burns.  

 TURMERIC: Turmeric has been used for ages in India for healthy clean glowing skin. Turmeric has the quality of preventing hair growth. While turmeric is used with many ingredients to remove unwanted hair, this is simple remedy where turmeric can just be used with water or milk.

Procedure:  Soak turmeric powder in water or milk to make a paste which is not too tight but which can stay on your face. Leave it for 20 minutes or till it dries up. Wash it off with warm water.

SUGAR, HONEY AND LEMON MIXTURE FOR HAIR ON LEGS AND ARMS: Sugar mixed with water, lemon and honey is a very good home remedy to remove unwanted hair from your body. It acts like wax and is very effective in removing unwanted hair growth on legs and arms. This process is a bit painful.

     Procedure: In a small bowl, take sugar, lemon and honey and mix them well. Heat this mixture for 3 minutes in a vessel to make it a smooth, free flowing paste. If the paste you made is found to be thick add some water and mix well. Allow this mixture to cool at room temperature. Clean the body parts where you need to apply this mixture and then apply this mixture and dust it with cornstarch or all purpose flour. Use the waxing spatula and apply a generous amount of warm sugar, lemon and honey mixture on the areas where you do not want to see unwanted hair. Apply it in the direction of the hair growth and once done cover it with a cloth or waxing strips and press to make it stick on the paste. Pull the strip in the opposite direction of your hair growth to effectively remove unwanted hair growth.

RAW PAPAYA: Papaya is packed with vitamins and minerals, as well as a specific enzyme called papain. Papain helps to break down your hair follicles, slowing down your hair re- growth rate.

     Procedure: Combine all the parts of papaya and blend well to get thick glue. Apply this glue to your body part in inverse course of hair development. Leave it for 15-20 minutes or till it gets dry. Take a clean fabric and rub in the inverse course of hair development. When the greater part of the glue has been uprooted along these lines, wash off with water and pat dry. Take a couple of drops of olive oil, lotion or child oil and back rub the skin with this. Repeat this thrice a week and proceed for no less than three months.

PUMICE STONE:  A temporary way of getting rid of unwanted hair is by depilating it using a pumice stone. The rubbing action causes friction that leads to the hair coming off from its root. Though not all coarse hair may fall off, you will notice lesser hair growth.

Procedure:  Wet the area you want to use the pumice stone on with warm water. Now gently rub the stone in circular motion on that area till the hair comes off. Wash it off with running water. Moisturize the skin well. Do this everyday to see better results.

OIL MASSAGE: You would have never guessed that something as relaxing as an oil massage will help keep body hair at bay too. Regular rigorous massaging helps create friction on the skin, making hair softer and thinner. The more you massage your body, the more you increase your chances of closing down hair roots altogether. You can use warm massage oils, such as mustard oil or castor oil to keep skin smooth even while removing hair.

BANANA-OATMEAL: If your skin is dry, banana is one of the best ingredients that can be used for removing hair. Banana leaves your skin soft and supple. Banana with oatmeal is the best combination as oatmeal is a great natural cleanser for skin.

Procedure: Mash the banana. Add oatmeal to it. Apply this paste to face rubbing in circular motion. Do this for about 15 minutes. Wash off with water. Repeat this twice a week.

EGG MASK: When it comes to stickiness, egg white is no less than sugar-honey. Egg white too dries off and sticks to your face and when you pull it, this mask will come up with hair on your face.

Procedure: Add sugar and corn flour with white egg. Beat till you get a smooth paste. Apply this egg mask to your face and let it dry. Once dried, it will become a thin mask attached to your face. Pull this egg mask with firm hand so that the hair too comes off with it. Watch though, pulling firmly doesn’t mean hurting yourself.

Some simple tips to follow so as to get better results of getting rid of the unwanted hair growth on your body:

  •  Bear in mind to have patience while trying out all these home remedies.
  • Stick to a healthy diet.
  • Practice yoga and meditation so as to calm oneself and keep the unwanted hairs at bay.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetable juices to aid your remedy and to help in easily removing unwanted hair from your body.
  • Washing the area properly after doing the treatment will help your skin to be clean and neat.
  • Have adequate amount of sleep so as to lead a stress free life.

These are a few natural home remedies to tackle hair growth. Natural remedies will take a long time to show results and hence patience is required while trying these remedies. But ultimately you will enjoy the results without any side effects or damage to your sensitive skin.

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