Yes, this statement is absolutely true. Use onions for hair growth. Onions are rich in sulphur which is an essential nutrient in promoting hair growth. Sulphur content in onion juice helps in increasing blood circulation .Onion juice prevents hairfall and is the main reason for stimulating hair growth. Onions are an amazing remedy to fight hair fall and effectively increase the growth of hair.
If you are having hair loss problems or have observed gaps in your hairline, you can initiate this simple and natural treatment at home. Try onion juice and get relieved from embarrassing problem of scanty hair as a result of hair fall.
Benefits of hair growth
The commonly available onions encourage new hair growth and also supports increase of hair length. The other benefits of onion juice are that it makes your hair stronger, open up the pores of your hair follicles that were blocked and prevents scalp infections like dry scalp or itchy scalp. Onion juice has anti bacterial properties and therefore ideal for scalp infections. Onion juice erases dandruff and regular application will prevent dandruff re-entry and enhances hair growth.
Onions are disliked for its smell. When onion is chopped you get annoyed with the watering of eyes. The better side of chopping onions is to collect the thicker peels of onion which should is usually discarded. Grind the onion peels to a fine paste consistency. Apply it directly onto your scalp. If you find the shreds difficult to clean, opt for filtering the onion juice and apply the liquid onto the scalp. The onion smell is difficult to bear and therefore keep it for 30 mins to an hour and then wash your head with a mild shampoo to remove the smell.
Various combinations with onion juice
Follow this procedure on alternate days and you can see the difference within 2 to 3 months. You can provide a dual effect from the same onion juice application. You can add the paste of soaked fenugreek seeds (methi) twice a week. This will give a conditioning effect too. To minimize dandruff you can include the paste of hibiscus leaves, juice of lemon. For shiny effect apply egg white or curd along with onion juice. You will see a bouncing effect of your hair.
General information about onions:
Apply oil on the scalp at least 2 to 3 times a week. You will get a coppery shade by applying onion juice. If you do not prefer this shade to your hair mix the onion juice with equal amount of mustard oil and apply to your hair. This will ensure natural hair color and induces hair growth.
Hair loss is a common problem with the current lifestyle and environmental conditions For major problems on scalp and hair loss consult a doctor and take opinion. You can control hairfall with ayurvedic treatment.
Apply these natural remedies to your hair and you will be amazed to see the difference in your hair thickness and length. Just go ahead and try this magic ingredient. Start caring for your hair and minimize hairfall and receding hairline. With consistent focus you will be proud to own bouncing thick hair and carry yourself with pride. Please specify your opinion or experiences after you have experimented with onion juice.
A word of caution: Apply fresh onion juice. Avoid applying the paste that was left in the open for long. The properties required for hair growth will not be active.
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