Summer season has set in making your skin feel dry all over. The external weather has a huge impact on the body. The hot weather will make the skin feel itchy and few will even have prickly heat and rashes on the body. The skin gets tanned due to the hot sun and all effort is placed to protect your skin. The feet is the least focused area , as a result feet skin becomes dry and starts to crack.
It is said generally that a girls age is identified by her feet. Basically if the feet has no cracks it reflects her age. You can also make this difference by taking care of your feet and make it look younger and pretty this summer.
You can practice a few tips to take care of your feet at home.
- Wash your feet when you are back home. Your feet too is exhausted after a long days work and standing, carrying all your weight and moving around. You need to pamper your feet .
- Soak your feet in a wide basin containing lukewarm water with salt in it. This will provide relaxation to your body and all the dirt will be soaked. You can add shampoo or even hand wash solution to this. Close your eyes and relax. You can utilize this time app. 10 to 15 minutes to meditate.
- You can experiment by placing 10 to 12 soft pebbles in the bottom of the basin such that you can rub your feet over them. This provides soothing feeling to your legs.
- After soaking time, scrub your legs with a soft brush or bathing sponge to remove all the old dead skin. Wash your feet and wipe off moisture with a soft cloth. Clean areas between each toes also.
- Trim your nails with a nail cutter. Use a filer to level the nails. Press the cuticle back with the help of the file in the nail cutter to promote growth of nail. If your nails are soft , you should trim and file before soaking.
- Bleach your feet and toes with lemon juice. This will cleanse your skin too. Use a mild nail polish remover to avoid nail damage.
- Apply moisturizing cream over your feet prior to going to bed. Coconut oil is a good alternative for moisturizing your feet. You can follow this schedule alternate day.. If oil is applied wear socks such that your clothes are not stained with oil.
- Foot massage is recommended once a week. Apply almond oil / Olive oil and spread over your feet. The massage will relax your feet and the nerve and muscles will be activated by soft gentle movements up and down your feet for 5 minutes.
- Wear socks to avoid dry dust or further cracks to your feet. Use a medicated cream at nights to heal the cracks. You can also apply Vaseline liberally on the cracks prior to going to bed.
- If your work involves outdoor activities wear closed foot wear to avoid the heat and keep your legs protected.
- You can schedule pedicure by visiting the beauty parlour once a fortnight.
- If your footwear smells due to bad odor problem , apply talcum powder onto your feet prior to wearing socks. This will minimize the smell. Wear socks of good material and change socks daily. Dip your socks in antiseptic solution like Dettol to prevent microbial infection.
- Ayurvedic foot massage helps in treating sleeplessness, builds up blood circulation and preserves good eyesight. Medicated oil is used for massage over the feet with a focus on the energy points, in cyclic motions the massage helps in relaxing and lightening the lower extremities and provides physical relief and swelling. The massage techniques used in the ayurvedic foot massage consists of tapping, kneading and gentle pinching, as well as conventional massage strokes. The Vaidyar assesses the individual’s health status, nature and personality and decides the mode and duration of the massage.
Auravedic exfoliating foot oil
- For extremely dry skin Ayurveda suggests application of Aloe vera gel on your feet daily to keep your feet moisturized and free of diseases of athlete’s foot.
- If you have problem of corn, heat a garlic clove to brown color in hot oil. Place the clove on the corn affix it with a band aid. Follow this for a week and the corn on your feet will fall off.
People with diabetics and psoriasis should take extra effort to keep their skin free of infections and wounds. Regularly clean feet and keep it moisturized to prevent dryness and cracks. Walks, yoga or some light exercise increases blood circulation in the feet and legs.
Your feet is precious take good care of it and you can take pride at the admiration you receive from your family and friends.
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